Poppets are used in a variety of different ways in magick. Some are used
                         Voodoo rituals as well. You use your poppet when you want to:

1.Want to return a hex

                                                           2. Bind someone

                           There are other reasons but for now I will use these two examples.

                      You can make your dolls out of whatever material you want to, or you can buy
                      them already made. Usually you make them yourself that way more of your own
                      energy will be used. It is a good idea to use felt or flannel when making your
                      dolls, also pay attention to the color of the material.

                         There is no reason to make your dolls look like artwork (unless you want them to)
                    if  they look like a gingerbread cookie this is fine too!

                          Here is a spell to remove a hex using a poppet:

                         Fashion a poppet out of white felt or other white material. Stuff the poppet with
                    Vertivert herb and place on your alter. Inscribe your name on a purple candle
                    and anoint the candle with an appropriate oil (Patchouli or Uncrossing Oil)
                    Visualize the person who put the hex on you, feel the power and strength the
                    hex has over you. Now take a handful of garlic powder and sprinkle it over the
                    poppet, while strongly visualizing the hex being broken. Now let the candle burn
                    down completely, relax it is done.