What is your Witch Potential

I found this on the end and really liked it, it will make you think a bit! When I copied this, there was no copyright written on it, if this is copyrighted and anyone knows who it is by, please email me so that I may give them the credit for it!

Read the following questions and see how many  pertain to you!!

1. Have you always been intrigued by the occult?

2. Do you prefer the night to the day?

3. Does a storm stir in you an inexplicable sense of excitement?

4. Are you a sensualist?

5. Have you always felt different from most of those around you, set apart?

6. Do you instinctivly respond to animals?

7. Are you comfortable alone?

8. Are you relatively  indifferent to material possessions?

9. Have you ever had fleeting glimpses of former lives?

Should you find that you can answer most of these questions affirmativly, then your witch potential is probably high and should be encouraged!!