The Witches Pyramid

                             There are four basic principles to the Witch's Pyramid:

                        1 To know
                       2. To will
                       3. To dare
                       4. To keep silent

                        To know-This means to do your homework! Research and gather all that you need
                     to know about doing the spell you have in mind. Your spells need not be like
                     anyone else's, its better that they come from you! Decide if your spells need any
                    extra ingredients, such a runes, stones, incense, herbs. Know your correspondence
                     colors, these should be in your BOS somewhere for quick reference. The more
                     information you gather for your spell the more focused your energy will be.

                    To will-Now that you have all your ingredients ready, its time to focus on your-
                     self. Now you need to focus on your work. If you are thinking of something else,
                     or watching tv, or trying to think of what to make for dinner, you spell is NOT
                     going to work. Remember, the results you get will depend on how much effort you
                     put into the spell! You must believe that you are truly doing magick, your force
                     of will and total concentration, and the deep BELIEF that the spell will work, is
                     the only way to truly make it happen!

                    To dare-Emotion is a large part of spell work. When creating a spell the wording
                      you use is very important. If you are doing a spell that is made to keep someone
                      from harassing you, you don't want to say, please leave me alone, you want to
                      say LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! You don't want to say, "I hope that she gets better"
                     you want to say "SHE WILL GET BETTER!" The more emotion you can put into
                     your spells the better! If you can't yell out loud, say it forcefully in your mind!

                     To keep silent-It's always a good idea to keep quiet after doing a spell. One reason
                      for doing so is, to make a spell work properly you need to have total confidence in
                      yourself and your work. Should you decide to talk about your spell and the person
                      you are speaking to about it, doesn't really believe it will work, will lead to you
                      having doubts within yourself, and you don't want that to happen. Also it is a
                      good idea that once the spell is done to not even think about it anymore. Let the
                      spell do the work it was meant to do, you need to sit back and let it work.