To make a magick wish list, sit back the think about the material
                            things that you need for about 15 minutes. Really evaluate them
                            discarding those that are not truly necessary. Selecting only those
                            things you must have. Then write out a spell asking in the name of
                            which ever diety you prefer, for the items you really need. List
                            them and read the list outloud. By reading the list out loud you
                            are charging your intentions. Burn the list or carry it with you,
                            or keep it in a place that holds magick for you.



                           You may use this only 3 times between new moons. While gazing
                           at the moon repeat the following verse:

Moon, moon beautiful moon
Brighter than any star
Goddess of light and love
If it might be
Pray bring good fortune unto me



                                Write on a recyled piece of paper a short poem or chant to the
                          Goddess that states your wish. Fold the paper in half with the
                          words inside it. Draw a triple goddess sign on the outside. Now
                          fold it in half again, with the symbol on the inside. Draw a
                          pentacle on the paper. Flip it over and write your name and
                          birthday on the other side. Put the paper away in a safe place.
                          Your wish will come true in due time.



                                     NEEDED: Colored Balloon
                                            Food Coloring
                                            Small piece of paper
                                            Your favorite spices
                                            Drop of fresh Lemon

                     Write down exactly what you want on a small piece of paper, and the
                     ingredients you used. Pour your ingredients into the balloon and read the
                     wish aloud as well as what you used. Then blow a breath of air into the
                     balloon, then wait until the full moon at midnight to pop it.


                     Recite over a candle, or write your wish on a piece of paper and say:

By the powers of magick might
May your wish be granted
When the candle sheds its gleem
At the mystic hour
Let fulfillment of your dream
Gather secret power
Flame of magick, Bright thy burn
Spirit of fire let the wheel of fortune turn
Grant you your desire
One, two three-so shall it be!

Bay Leaf Wish Spell

                       Items needed: Bay Leaf
                                        Felt marker

                        Write (whatever you are wishing for) on the Bay Leaf. Then put it in
                        the box and leave it there. When your wish comes true, take the Bay
                        leaf out of the box and burn it, then give thanks to the dieties that
                        helped to make your wish a reality.

Another Bay Leaf Wish Spell


                      Needed: 3 Bay Leaves
                            Piece of Paper

                      When the moon is new, write your wish on the paper, now visualize your
                      wish coming true. Fold the paper into thirds and place the 3 Bay leaves
                     inside. Again visualize your wish coming true, now fold the paper into
                     thirds once again, and hide it in a dark place. Keep visualizing your  wish
                     coming true as you do this. Once the wish is granted the paper should
                      be burned as a thank you.


Another Wish Spell
(Branwens Cauldron)


                        Needed: Paper
                             Votive white candle

                       On the night of the new moon, write your wish on a clean piece of paper.
                        Light a white candle and turn off all the lights. Think about having your
                         wish fulfilled and say:

As I sleep tonite may
The divine power of spiritual
Love and light grant my wish


                      Then think about your wish as you burn the paper in the votive candle.
                      Repeat this ritual at the same time for 12 nights in a row. If you miss a
                      night you must start at the beginning again!

Wish Powder


                      Needed: A large bowl
                                     A wooden spoon
                                     A sifter or collander
                                     As many of the following herbs as you can find!



                     This is best done when the moon is waxing. Place all the ingredients into
                      the bowl. Stir and grind them with the spoon. Continue to grind and blend
                      until everything is mixed into a course substance, there should be no
                      large pieces in it, it should be powder like. Dump the ingredients into
                      the sifter or collander and shake it gently back and forth over another
                      bowl. The finest powder will get thru the sifter but the larger pieces will
                      not.  When you are finished you should have at least a handful of wish
                      powder. Make sure you go out on a nice day to perform the spell. Windy
                      days are perfect. Find a nice clearing and take your wish powder with
                       you in a pouch. Take a handful and say a chant ( it's best if you write
                       this beforehand) and throw the powder into the wind and let your wish
                       come true.