Rain Spell


                                            Needed: A piece of Lava rock (pumice)
                                    Go outside while holding the lava rock and chant:

Rain rain come this way
Do not wait another day!


Summoning The Wind

                           Go outside and clear your mind and think of the wind blowing
                       throurgh your hair and chant:

I summon the wind


                        Continue saying this until you feel the wind, the more you chant
                        the harder it will blow. It takes time to learn this so don't get
                        discouraged if it doesn't happen the first or second time!
                        Remember, practice, practice!!

To Bring The Day Sunny


                     Use this only if the day is slipperly and wet, or the spell will
                           reverse itself!

Deal of the day
Sunny and bright
Let the rain go away
Make the day bright

Here is something a bit different!
This is for healing!

Snow Magick


                   If a friend is sick, fashion a tiny snow person, add something that
                        belongs to your friend to the figure, such as a lock of hair. As
                        the snow melts your friend will get better!

Snow Wish


                           Write a wish on a piece of paper and place it in a jar. Pack snow
                       around the paper. As the snow melts your wish will come true.

Another Snow Wish

                 With your athame, staff or wand, carve a wish into the snow. Ask
                      Dame Holda to grand your wishes. Trace a pentacle near it and
                      seal your wish.


To Melt Hard Feelings


                        Gather snow that has fallen from a gentle storm. Write the name
                        of the person that is giving you a hard time on a piece of paper.
                        Put it in the middle of a glass plate and pile snow on top of it.
                        Add a dash of sugar. As the snow melts so will the hard

To Make It Snow

Say the following:

God and Goddess that I seek
I hope this does not sound too meek
I ask of you to make it snow
And make the cold winter winds blow
Now that I have asked this of you
I will help you to make it true

                        It would be best to do this spell on a Monday and burn blue,
                        white and gray candles at the North, East and West points. Sit
                        at the South point with a pile of shaved ice in the middle and say
                        the spell until the ice melts.

To Stop A Cyclone

                        Run into a field and stick a knife into the Earth with the sharp
                        edge pointing towards the oncoming storm. The knife is said to
                        split the wind so that your home will be spared.
                        (Use common sense here folks, if you see a tornado coming get
                         to safety!!

To Stop The Wind

                        Gather 4 feathers, white, black, blue and yellow (word of caution
                        some feathers are illegal to own!!) Tie them together with a
                        cord, place them in a bowl and cover completely with salt. This
                        will bind the Earth and winds. Soon the wind will stop blowing.


To Raise The Wind
(Can't have one without the other!)

                        Take several handsful of sand and throw it into the air. By the
                        third or fourth time the wind should be blowing.

To Make A Decision

                      When you need to make a serious decision but don't know which
                      one to make try this. Write each choice down on a sheet of paper.
                      Fold each twice and place them on a table that is not touching a
                      wall, by a window where a soft wind blows. Let the wind move the
                      papers around the table top, let the papers fall to the ground.
                      The last one to fall will be your answer.

Lightening Magick


                        Take outside objects you wish to charge, make sure they are in
                        a secure spot so that the wind and water won't wash them away.
                        After the storm is over, bring the objects inside dry them and
                        put them away. They are charged.


                              This is Katharina, she is the Guardian of Winter, and living in
                         Massachusetts her help is always a blessing! To get your own
                         guardian click on the picture and go to  Amanda's Guardians and
                         adopt one for your pages!!