The archeological investigation of megaliths seems to have one problem
                          and then another. The stones themselves cannot be dated accurately.
                          Radio-carbon dating can only works with matter that was once alive.
                          Carbon dating of burial remains at the base of the stones suggest they
                           were erected around 2000 B.C.

                                   Megalith mounds like those at West Kennet, are probably older than most
                           stone circles. Deposits of bones found in the circle often show evidence of
                           being repeatedly disturbed, and in some instances animal bones were also
                           found. All the evidence points to these sites as being magickal or ritual-
                           perhaps sacrifical use of these sites.

                                   The megaliths that have been added to some henge monuments like-
                           stonehenge-are just as enigmatic. They are probably older than most of the
                           stone circles.

                                   It has been noted that there seems to be some sort of astronomical aspects
                          to certain sites, the rising of the mid-summer sun over Stonehenge's heel
                           stone is a well known fact. Stonehenge showed that there were probably
                           solar and lunar alignment built into the design of the stones. The ring of
                           pits called "Aubrey Holes" surrounding the stones could of been used to
                           predict eclipses.