Solar Cycles


I realize that many think to perform thier magickal works it has to be late at night, but that isn't necessarily so. The sun also burns with an enormous amount of energy and can be of great use during any magick ritual.

This will give you an idea of how to use the solar cycles.

Sunrise-As the sun begins to rise, this is the perfect time to do rituals that deal with purification, business, studies, breaking addictions, releasing guilt and dark emotions, and healing.

Noon-When the sun is high above and at its zenith for the day would be an excellent time to do the rituals for money, courage and strength, the magickal energy is high at this time.

Sunset-Again as the sun sets this is also a good time to break addictions and bad habits, for weight loss, to release pain and negativity.

True Dark-This is the time for softer emotions, love, peace, healing, sex, releasing stress.

This is to only give you an idea that there are other times of the day that magick can be performed and that it will also work out fine, experiment with this, see how it works for you!


Background done by Ameymoonflower. To visit her page and see the lovely graphics she has click the pretty  button!!