There are several different ways of raising energy. Drumming, dancing, singing, meditation, to name a few. For myself I prefer meditation, I need the quiet to focus. When I first learned to  raise energy, I tried this experiment, and found that it worked!

Sit quietly long enough to feel calm and relaxed. Rub the palms of your hands together several times. When you pull your hands apart, you should feel a tingling in both palms and a warmth from the friction, that is energy!

Next, repeat the above exercise, then slowly pull your hands apart, but this time visualize a white ball of energy in your hands. As you practice doing this you will  find that when you  visualize the white ball of energy in your hands, when you attempt to put your hands together you will actually feel the energy in your hands keeping them apart.

Now you need to learn how to project that energy into your spells and rituals. Many use their
tools to accomplish this. My choice is the athame, to me it is just an extension of myself. Once you have raised energy, cast your circle and work your magick. 

A very old way and still one of the best is dancing.
If possible do this skyclad and round a fire.
If you have no clue how to dance remember the way Indians dance and use those steps.
The most important thing is to start slow, find your rhythm and speed up.

While you are raising power focus on the goal, see it, feel it, smell it, taste it, know it.

When you are focused, and the power has reached its peak, suddenly fall to your knees and shout.
You can use any short word that makes sense to you.
Also, instead of shouting to indicate the release of power, you may want to trying cupping your hand beneath your mouth and blowing.

Both shouting and blowing works wonderfully but blowing is especially nice when you need to quiet.