House Protection Spell


Best time-Waning Moon

Raise the athame in salute to the Goddess, asking for her protection. Begin at the front door and going clockwise stop at every window and door invoking the pentagram and say:

My lady of the night and day
Keep all harm far away
Set your guard ever near
Let no evil enter here

Envision a white light of protection surrounding your home, and give thanks!

To Keep Evil From Your House


Make a magickal tea from any of the following herbs and then sprinkle some of it in the corners
and doorways of your house to purify. Defeats all wicked conjuring and prevents evil  from entering your house.

Angelica Root
Broom Tops
Curry Powder
Holy Thistle
Poke Root

Spell Of Protection


Needed:White candle

Look into the candle flame, visualize the fire bathing you in a glowing white light, chant:

Craft the spell in the fire
Craft it well weave it higher
Weave it now of shining flame
No one shall come to hurt or maim
No one shall pass this fiery wall
No, no one shall pass none at all !

Protection At Night


If you feel danger at night when you are outside, strengthen yourself by picking up a stone. Hold it in your projective hand and visualize yourself as being the stone, strong and protected. Once your visualization is complete throw the stone at the foot of a tree. You will be protected.

For Protection and Purification (Bath)


Steep a teaspoon of Basil in a cup of hot water and strain out the herb. Add it to your bathwater for a protective and cleansing influence. It is particularly useful to clean off the feelings left by those who are negative or controlling.


More Ideas For Protecting Your Home


Place two crossed needled under the doormat, or paint a door blue to protect the threshold of your home from unwanted influences.


Ferns, Marigold, or Lillies grown near the front entrance will guard your door.


Washing windows with vinegar is not only the best way to clean them but it will also bring many blessings to your home!


Place a Bay leaf in each corner of every room to protect from illness and demons.


Place Blood Root on window sills and near doorways for protection from hexes.