Peace Spells


Gather freshly cut parsley and place it in a pan of water. Let it
soak for nine minutes,
and then sprinkle the water throughout the house while visualizing a
calm environment.
Peace will be restored.


Design this ritual to suit your needs.
Choose candle colors that represent the things you seek peace for
(e.g., maybe green and brown for peace on earth).
"From out of the dark and into the light
A circular mark, a candle burns bright.
I look towards the song do I sing.
Spirits soar high and gifts do I bring.
I offer my all! My mind, I then clear
Hearken my call! I feel you are near!
Candle burns higher; my spirits set free!
Hotter than fire, this magic will be!
Let magic come 'round, from under the ground,
To form with my sound and then, to be bound!
Around me I feel the magic so real,
Before you I kneel.. the spell I now seal!
Let all hatred CEASE! And let there be PEACE!
These words that I say, with magick AWAY!
This spell that I send is now at an end.
Let the magick I've laid, go forth and not fade!



Is your office or building stressful? Try this To make your workplace
a place of harmony
and peace sprinkle this magical powder around when no one is looking.
Create this powder on a Thursday Evening for the strongest possible
3 drops of rose oil 5 drops of sandalwood oil 7 drops of lavender oil
a handful of talcum powder a teaspoon dried powdered chamomile
flowers (if available)
Mix everything but the talc together in a ceramic bowl with a fork
until well blended.
Add the talcum powder and mix well. Visualize a warm blue light
building and radiating
from the powder as you mix. Do this until you are satisfied and
gently pour the powder
into a little paper envelope or sachet. Take it work the next morning.



These are hung by your bed to encourage a restful sleep and sweet
10 Cardamon pods 1 tsp. Salt 15 cloves
1/2oz peppermint 1/2 oz rosemary dried peel of 1 lemon
Light a white and pink candle, place them on your work area (kitchen
table, counter top).
Crush the cloves, cardamon and salt to a fine powder. Blend with the
herbs and put in bags.
As you are making the bags concentrate on peaceful memories and
beautiful thoughts.
When you hang the bags by your bed say out loud:
Sleep be with me Peaceful sleep Restful sleep
Let my mind be eased Let my body be calmed
Wings of darkness Let the sight of night and dream
be clear, be quiet Let my troubles drift away and let me dream



--four blue candles --a blue marker or pen --a piece of paper --and a
quiet place.
Set up the candles in a circle. On the piece of paper write in blue
ink the word peace.
Sit down in the middle of the circle and place the piece of paper in
front of you and stare at it
until you have it in your mind's eye once you close your eyes. Focus
on this word.
Focus on the letters flowing off the paper and surrounding you.
See the word become the air around you, and the ground under.
Focus on the word, let it roll on your tongue. Let it be you.
Picture in your mind a peaceful place, gives peace now a body form.
Sit with peace, sing with
peace, dine with peace. Let peace guide you along the stone paths of
Pompeii, let peace
walk you up the steps of a temple. Ask Peace to stay with you, to
guide you in life while
awake and asleep. Ask peace to join you in your realm. Take Peace's
hand and open your eyes.
Tips: take the meditation slow. Do not rush anything. Do not give
Peace the body of someone you know.



Lay or sit in a place where you will not be disturbed for at least
five minutes.
Get comfortable. If you are sitting, your back should be straight.
Sitting or lying down, your legs should be crossed.
If sitting, rest your hands, palms down, in your lap. Close your
Visualize a golden ball of beautiful, warm light surrounding your
If you cannot "see" the golden ball when you visualize it, its okay,
just know it is there.
The ball of golden warm light always brings peace and total
Wherever the ball goes tension departs.
Now allow this ball of light to rise up your legs and up your torso.
Then allow it to go down your arms to your fingers, and finally up
your neck and into your
head until covered with total peace and relaxation and all tension is
gone. If you feel tension
anywhere, send the ball there and the tension will vanish.
Stay in this state for a few moments. If you are having trouble
sleeping, try this.
Be at one with yourself.
When you are ready to come out of this state of deep relaxation, take
three deep
breaths and feel fresh life and energy coming out of your body with
each breath.


Loosely bind a dark feather with a thin thread to a tree and say the
following, (or something similar):
"From stress and heartache free me.
From all the chaos of the day free me.
From stagnant thoughts free me.
From idleness and feelings of helplessness free me Wind, free me."
Walk away. When the wind tugs the feather from the tree, you will be



This spell is very good if there is a lot of turmoil or stress in the
Do the following spell, and while doing so, remember to focus on your
intent for a peaceful household.
Sew a small pouch of lavender cloth.
Place a small trinket in the pouch for each member of your household.
Add to this a pinch each of lavender, rose and chamomile, before
placing each pinch in the
pouch, remember to hold it for a moment and REALLY focus, finally,
add a small amethyst.
Now, anoint a lavender or pink candle with peace oil(see recipes) and
then light it.
Sit in front of the candle and hold the pouch in your hands and
whisper the following chant
over it softly 3 times:
Blessed Goddess, most gentle one, calm my home for me.
Relieve all tension, send it far, so from stress we shall be free.
Touch my family with peace and calm, and the sweetest softest bliss,
Bless my home, Great Gentle Goddess, with your calming kiss.
Set the pouch with the candle. Allow the candle to burn down
Hang the pouch in your home, preferably in the room where everyone
gathers the most.
Whenever tension seems to build, repeat the above chant 3 times and
envision peace
and tranquility radiating from the pouch and The Goddess.



This is a good spell for after work or after stressful events.
Materials: blue or green pastel candle, soft incense, soft music.
Take a deep breath and say,
"I am at peace, I am in the void, neither stress nor worry can find
me here."
Close your eyes and imagine peaceful things:
A soft falling rain; a sleeping kitten or baby; a gently path through
a green forest;
a walk along the beach; etc. Be careful with this spell or you might
just fall asleep.



Draw a bath for yourself. Pour a tablespoon or so of milk into a
large bowl of water and say:
'Water ripples on the breeze...'
Add several rose petals (fresh or dried) to the bowl of water and
Say: 'Thistledown flies through the air...'
Stir the water, milk, and rose petals with the index finger of your
right hand. Say:
'Silent as the mighty seas...'
Gently pour the mixture that you have created into the bath. Say:
'Peaceful here without a care.'
Step in. Bathe for as long as you wish.
Let the water absorb negative thoughts and worries. Allow yourself a
few moments of healing peace.



You need: White candle Jasmine or Pine incense Sprig of sage
This is best performed at night, but it can be done any time of day.
Light the white candle and the incense stick.
Close your eyes and hold the sage close to your nose, and breathe in
its calming scent.
Keep holding it as say:
"Calming powers of sage and pine, Add order to this life of mine.
By the four corners, elements, God and Goddess too, If this gift
seems fit to you,
Then please grant calmness unto him/me. So mote it be, So mote it be."
Repeat as necessary. 3x3 times. It always works within a day or two.



If your household is being rocked by disturbances from an outside
source, gather
freshly cut parsley from the garden (or buy fresh parsley at a store)
and place it in
a pan of water. Let it soak for nine minutes, then sprinkle the water
throughout the
house while visualizing a calm environment. Harmony should be
For in-house disturbances, heat three cups of water until just
Put three teaspoons of dried valerian root in a teapot and pour the
hot water over this.
Let steep 13 minutes, strain and sprinkle the mixture around the
This should halt the strife.



You should begin by considering your own body, particularly your
breathing. This is
not difficult, merely finding yourself a comfortable chair in which
you can sit without falling
asleep. You should try to find a place where you will not be
disturbed. Not because
disturbances are dangerous, but because you may find yourself
enjoying the relaxed state so
much that being brought suddenly out of it by an offending family
member may cause you to
lose your temper.
Once you have found your spot, sit quietly for about 10 minutes at a
time. That is how
you start. Just by sitting and doing nothing, and while sitting try
to notice how your body
reacts. Notice that twitch you have? Feel your lungs filling with
air, rising and falling,
pushing out our rib cage and letting it fall back in.
As you sit, notice all of these things. Your body has certain places
that are naturally
tense. You will hear things you normally ignore. That is not really
so strange.
Everyone experiences it when they are falling asleep at night (i.e..
the creaking of the
house). Pay very close attention to all of these things and you will
discover something
interesting. The more you listen to your own body, the less you are
bothered by the
thoughts of the day. This is because your conscious mind can only
handle one piece of data at a time.
If you are studying intently, you are unaware of what is going on
around you. The more you
practice, the more effective your mind becomes at blocking out
unwelcome stimuli.



If moon is travelling from new to full, you want to bring love into
the home.
If the moon is travelling from full to new, you want to push
negativity out from the home.
Take half an onion, close your eyes, saying:
"I empower you to collect all negativity In this house."
Imagine the onion turning into a giant vacuum cleaner, sucking up all
the negative
energy in your house. Place the onion on the window ledge of the room
where most
of the family usually gathers. Hold a clove of crushed garlic in your
hand, close your
eyes and say the above chant. Do the same visualization.
If a particular person is causing trouble, take a clove and place it
under the rug, under
that person's bed or in a place where they often sit. If there is no
one causing the problem,
place cloves of crushed garlic all around the outside doorstep of
your home.
Take some carpet deodorizer (granules or spray) and sprinkle around
the house
(after first consecrating them!) say: "I empower you to collect all
negativity In this house."
Vacuum up the deodorizer. Write every loved one's name with a red
marker on a heart
cut out of white paper. Circle all the names with one big circle say:
"I encircle all I love with positive energy, Healing and peace.
Let no evil enter our home."
Hold the paper in your hands, close your eyes and visualize your
family sitting together
and very happy. Say:
"With harm to none May all astrological correspondences be correct
for this working,
And may this spell not reverse Or place upon me any curse. So mote it



This spell is very good if there is a lot of turmoil or stress in the
Do the following spell, and while doing so, remember to focus on your
intent for a peaceful
household. Sew a small pouch of lavender cloth. Place a small trinket
in the pouch for each
member of your household. Add to this a pinch each of lavender, rose
and chamomile, before
placing each pinch in the pouch, remember to hold it for a moment and
REALLY focus,
finally, add a small amethyst. Now, anoint a lavender or pink candle
with peace oil and then
light it. Sit in front of the candle and hold the pouch in your hands
and whisper the following
chant over it softly 3 times:
Blessed Goddess, most gentle one,
calm my home for me.
Relieve all tension, send it far,
so from stress we shall be free.
Touch my family with peace and calm,
and the sweetest softest bliss,
bless my home, Great Gentle Goddess,
with your calming kiss.
Set the pouch with the candle. Allow the candle to burn down
Hang the pouch in your home, preferably in the room where everyone
gathers the most.
Whenever tension seems to build, repeat the above chant 3 times and
envision peace
and tranquility radiating from the pouch and The Goddess.



Black candle Astral candles of those in the home Yellow-green candle
Light blue candle Deity candles - e.g. white and black, or Gold and
Incense- frankincense is good Votive candle - white is good
Light Deity Candles and the incense.
Sit and meditate on the goal to be accomplished.
Light the Astral Candles of those in the home, which are placed
approximately 13"
from each other. Think hard of each person, saying as the Candles are
"This candle represents <Name> .
As it burns, so burns his/her spirit."
Write down the faults and problems that beset the home. Discuss them
with the others.
Then light the Votive Candle, visualizing the start of a new day and
new turn for the better,
e.g. visualize turning over an old brown leaf and finding it green
and vibrant on the other side.
Light the Yellow-Green Candle (for Anger, and Jealousy and Discord).
Say, "Here burns away all negative emotions from <Name> and <Name>,
only love and happiness. It is in our house; it is all about us.
There is tranquillity in our home.
Peace and love abound and are with us. For true happiness now is
Understanding and love are there in abundance; discord and chaos are
For be it ever thus, that as patience and love do grow and prosper,
so barren become the fields of doubt and distress.
Happiness is the light that burns and darkness all away is sent.
The home is peace; peace is the home."
Meditate for 3-5 minutes on settling the disturbed conditions in the
Now hold up the paper containing the problems, and burn it in the
Votive Candle.
Visualize all the problems vanishing. Move the Astral Candles closer
to each other.
Light the Black Candle (for Destruction of Negativity).
Repeat the words, then meditate for 3-5 minutes on the problems
having gone.
Move the Astral Candles further closer to each other.
Light the Light Blue Candle (for Peace and Understanding).
Finally repeat the words once more, then meditate for another 3-5
on the new peaceful condition of the home.
Move the Astral candles even closer to each other.
Hug and kiss each other and call out "Hurrah" or other such words
expressing joy and relief and victory.
Then extinguish the Votive Candle, and then the Astral and Day
Note: The spell is even more powerful if it is repeated on 3
consecutive days,
with different day candles, and letting the Astral candles touch each
other only
at the third incantation on the third day. There is no need to write
down the
problems on the second or third day. However, the spell may be only
once, in which case, the Astral candles should touch other at the
third incantation.
The ashes of the "problem paper" can be gleefully flushed down the



Physical relaxation sets the stage for using your psychic faculties
to intervene in the body's many functions. Close your eyes, slow down
your breathing
and allow your muscles to relax from the forehead down followed by
the affirmation:
"I am now in full charge of my body.
I am capable of influencing every function, mental and physical.
All rejuvenating energies of my being are now at my command."
Even when stress is reduced through relaxation, certain residual
effects tend to linger.
By visualizing the major systems and organs of the body and mentally
infusing them with
rejuvenating energy you can extinguish the residual effects of stress
on the body.
Energizing the body's systems and organs is accomplished by centering
full awareness
on various body regions and mentally bathing them with glowing energy
while using the
following affirmation:
"Youthful, invigorating energy is now flowing throughout my body.
All organs systems and functions are now revitalized.
The wear-and-tear of stress is now replaced by the flow of youth and
With the body physically relaxed and the residual effects of stress
relieved, an empowering
state of full balance is possible through a technique called the
Fingerpad Engagement Procedure.
Designed to balance left- and right-brain functions, this procedure
attunes the mind and
body-a condition essential to rejuvenation. Bring the tips of your
fingers together; then with
the fingerpads in a comfortable position, with your eyes closed,
imagine your hands as
antennae for your brain. Imagine your left brain actively generating
positive energy, which
flows into your right hand as an extension of that hemisphere. Next,
imagine your right brain
producing positive energy which flows into your left hand as an
extension of that hemisphere,
Allow the energies flowing into your hands to mingle and create a
powerful exchange that
balances your mental and physical systems. After a few moments,
disengage your fingerpads
and allow your hands to relax, palms side up. Conclude with the
following affirmation:
"My total being is balanced and infused with rejuvenating energy.
The energies of youth are now unleashed to flow throughout my being.
I am completely attuned within myself and with the world."
This is the final and most critical step in the rejuvenation process.
Visualize or look at a photograph of yourself in your youthful prime.
Study this image, carefully noting the youthfulness in your eyes.
Now close your eyes and visualize yourself at the peak of youth
standing before a full-length mirror.
Study your eyes in the mirror and observe a youthful gleam.
Next, surround yourself with a glow of energy, then think of your
favorite color.
Finally, while breathing slowly and rhythmically, soak in the
rejuvenating glow enveloping your body.
Conclude with this affirmation:
"My powers of rejuvenation are now being unleashed to permeate my
total being with the
glow of youth and vigor. Every system within is now being revitalized
with the infusion of
rejuvenating power. Tired, worn tissue is being fortified with the
energies of youth.
Every function of my body is now fully infused as sparkling youthful
energy is absorbed into
every cell and fiber. Surrounded by a colorful aura of rejuvenating
energy, I am now secure
in the present, bathed in vitality and the glow of youth. My inner
rejuvenating powers are
fully and completely unleashed to flow freely throughout my total
Each day, my mind and body absorb the abundance of youthful energy
that is constantly
being unleashed within my being. Whenever I envision myself enveloped
with the colorful
glow of radiant energy, I will immediately become invigorated and
fully empowered."
This rejuvenation procedure can be repeated daily, or as often as you
You may want to place a small, self-adhesive star or other reminder
on your mirror,
computer, or TV as a cue to periodically re-activate the inner flow
of rejuvenating energy.
With practice, the process of combining visualization with
affirmations and tapping into the
dormant powers of rejuvenation within you will become a natural,
spontaneous and continuous function.