Light as a Feather
Stiff as a board!!!

- You need 4 candles (yellow or white do not mix colors)
- You need a quiet place to begin.
- You need a down feather (The smaller the better)
First you must place the candles in a circle one in each direction. Perform a
cleansing ritual and center yourself. Hold the feather in your non dominate hand (left
if you are right handed, right if you are left handed). Feel it's life force its gift of
lightness. light the candles. Start in the East and work Sun-wise (clockwise).
Enter the Circle and sit in a comfortable position. Facing the north.
Now, you must chant the following 9 times:

In the light I see,
In the dark I am blind.
In the world I walk,
In the circle I fly.

Next call to your spirit guide or God to aid you. Then clear your mind the feel the feather

float in your open hand and lift with it AND NOW YOU LEVITATE.

Helpers to the Spell
- Performed at dawn
- Performed outside
- Add your own components and touch to the spell (it is just a guideline)

Years ago I did this experiment in high school, and yes it did work, give it a try and see what happens!!