Job Spells


Allspice, cinnamon, sage, dill, from kitchen cupboard of grocery shop
and mix with base oil -
olive oil is fine. Warm leaves overnight strain through a tea
strainer if you wish or just use.


If your business has walk-in customers, wash down the front entrance
floor and the door handle.
For mail order businesses, wash down the mailbox, and so on. Once a
week, use this wash to scrub
down the walls and floors of your business, making a fresh batch each
Mix 1 oz of powdered squill root, 1 oz of powdered yellow dock,
1/4 oz of five-finger grass, 1 tsp. of cinnamon and 1 tbsp. of
blessed salt.
Mix well and add two teaspoons of this mixture to 1 pint of fresh
This wash is also good for attracting tenants to an empty apartment
or house.


Before you go to your job interview, you will need a green candle, a
and a paperclip. Light the candle and show both sides of the banknote
to the flame.
Fasten the note to the back of a photograph of yourself. Blow out the
Carry your photo, with the note attached, in your handbag or wallet
during your interview.


Write on a green candle the kind of job you want and burn the candle
"To do for me this deed, bring to me this Job I need" And let the
candle burn out.


This spell should be used only after you have submitted your resume
or application.
With a pin or sharp knife, write the name of the company(s) you want
to work for on the
side of a large green candle. On a red candle, you need to carve the
victory rune
(Tiwaz, it looks like an arrow, pointing up) and your full name. Burn
both candles for
30 minutes on Thursday after the sun sets, while visualizing yourself
getting the kind
of job you want. At the end of the 30 minutes, snuff the candles (do
not blow them out).
Burn them each Thursday after that for 15 minutes until they burn
out, or until you get the job.
Dispose of the candles and leave a small bowl of milk outside
overnight as an offering.

Herbal charms kept in your purse or pocket are good ways to carary
magick with you to
interviews. Sprinkle a little sage, lavendar, dill, basil, and
parsley into a green cloth and add
a tiger's eye chip. Tie it with a gold ribbon. Carry this to bring
prosperity while radiating
wisdom and knowledge.

Begin on Sunday.
Light a Gold or Yellow colored candle and speak the following spell:
"A Good Job Awaits me I Know
For Thine Brilliant Light Scans and searches A Place for Me
A Good Job Awaits Me For Thine Goodness is Great
My Faith in Thee is Complete A Good Job waits for Me."
Speak this spell three times. Perform ritual every day until
employment is found.
*Instead of "good job," maybe it would help to personalize it and
change the words to
"record deal," or something else that appeals to you.

get a string of 3 silver bells and say:
"Bells song, bring good luck
and prosperity the whole day long"
Hang the bells on the door and let each customer ring in the good

Draw a topaz though a flame of a yellow candle and say over it:
"Find me to be compatible in all ways"
Carry or wear the topaz and expect good fortune to follow!

1 part Frankincense 1 part Basil 1 part Sandalwood 1/2 part Vervain
1/2 part Mugwort 1/2 part Pansy 1/4 part Clove 1/4 part Cinnamon

Use a red onion in a way similar to its use for other types of luck.
Either have it dressed by a hoodoo practitioner or dress it yourself
by boring a hole in it and
filling the hole with sulfur. Carry it in your pocket when you go to
the prospective employer
and squeeze it as you speak to him. (He may give you the job just to
get you out of the room.)

Before going to the interview place three grains of salt in a
and put it in your pocket. When you get to the place of employment,
wait until your
alone or the interviewer is somehow distracted. Then throw the salt
into the north
corner of the room. Within three days you will have the job.

1st spell: In New Orleans it is believed that Saint Peter governs
business because he carries keys.
Get up early in the morning and light a white candle to Saint Peter.
Then mix green herbs into your scrub water-- especially parsley and
Begin scrubbing from the front of your business toward the back,
moving backwards as you go.
When you reach the back, burn green incense there.
All of these measures are calculated to "draw" customers.
2nd spell: This ritual can be accomplished in your home rather than
in your business place.
Get up early and burn mixture of sulfur and sugar and appropriate
incense, usually the controlling
or compelling kind. As the sun rises, look to the east and pray for
customers to be drawn to you.
3rd spell: Go to the graveyard and get nine handfuls of dirt.
Back home, mix it with brimstone, sulfur, red pepper, and salt.
Burn the mixture and pray for success in business.

If you're in a job at the moment, and certain people are causing
trouble for you, carry a
piece of quartz in your right hand side pocket. You could even place
a small point on your
desk, aiming the point away from you. Then, when they come over to
you, visualize them
being enveloped in a pink blanket. Then, keeping the visualization,
move the "blanket"
to the other side of the office, or whatever, to re-direct them.

If you are looking for a job, the night before, take a bath/shower
with some rosemary
decoction to give yourself that little something extra in the eyes of
the interviewer.
Light a green candle and chant
"Aura of Green, be bright this night,
bring to me prosperity bright!"
for as long as you wish with the aim of the job in mind. This is best
begun on the night of
the New Moon: Use an astral candle for yourself - your color. A brown
candle for the job
itself. A green candle for prosperity. Burn a prosperity incense and
anoint the candles with
a prosperity oil - I would use cinnamon. Anoint from wick to end.
These candles should be
in a safe place, they have to burn out entirely. Place the brown
candle in the center, the
green on the right, and the astral on the left. Light the astral:
I ask for change that is my right,
open the way, clear my sight.
Light the green:
Good luck is mine and prosperity,
help me Great Ones, come to me.
Light the brown :
Opportunity, work, rewards I see,
And as I will So Mote it Be.
Say the above as you light the candles. Leave these to burn out
completely and dispose
of the wax afterwards. Each night, for a week, or until the candle is
used up, light a
second brown candle for 9 minutes while meditating and gaining
balance in preparation
for the job and the good to come. During this time period, actively
seek a job.
Listen to your intuition and follow up on all leads.

You need a candle to represent the need, a card to represent yourself,
4 cards to represent your need. Light the candle.
Lay the card that represent you on the altar and say:
"May this card represent thee"
Pick up the rest of the cards and say:
"As I place these cards at the quarters shall my need be seen"
Lay the cards at the quarters as you go say the card's name and the
need. Then say:
Fulfill my need as quick as can be
by the power of three bring the (need) to me, so mote it be"

Items you'll need:
Black 7 day candle, Water, saucer, paper.
Fill your saucer slightly with some water. On a piece of paper write
the things you most
desire, (like love, money, a job..) Fold that up and put it on the
saucer (yes, in the water)
Now put your 7 day candle on top of the paper and light it.
Each night before you go to sleep visualize your desires being
On the seventh day, snuff out the candle and dispose of it by getting
it away from your property.
This spell can be customized by using different colored candles, pink
or red for love, purple for
spirituality, and so on. The black candle is used for "breaking
through" those
obstacles that are preventing you from your desires.

This is something that can be done, alone, on a walk in the
countryside, with no extra
magical 'tools' or paraphenalia. It is simple magic and down to earth
paganism. It can be
applied for any need, but is particularly suitable for 'earthy'
needs, such as money, housing, jobs, healing.
Take one stone, and speak (or 'think') into it your need. Place the
stone firmly on the ground.
Take another and repeat, until you have a fair sized mound, or Cairn.
As each stone is placed,
imagine that the magic is building and that your need is getting
nearer to being met.
If you have no stones, you can still do this with imaginary stones,
or pebbles, or whatever
else seems right at the particular moment.

Take a green handkerchief or a piece of green cloth roughly that
size, lay it flat with
one of the corners facing you. Place upon it 3 cardamom seed, a bay
leaf and a sprig
rosemary (or 1 tsp. of dried herb). These herbs surround you in self-
confidence and attract energy.
Cardamom sweetens your personality and brings out your natural
Bay leaves are symbols of success and triumph.
Rosemary is a herb of achievement and mental alertness.
Tie the corners together with a length of string, so that you have a
little bundle of herbs.
Before each interview, hold this bundle and visualize yourself
walking into the interview room,
radiating confidence imagine yourself being in a position to pick and
chose jobs at will.
Carry this to your job interviews. And accept that any rejection is a
sign from the universe
that the job was not right for you.

You will need: A green candle A purple candle
A talisman with your religious symbol (pentacle, cross, star of
David, etc)
Place a green candle on one side of a room. Place a purple candle on
the other side.
Now, light the purple candle. With your religious talisman hanging
from a chain or
string (to be worn as a necklace) dangling from your right hand, pick
up the purple (lit)
candle with your right hand. Now walk in a straight line across the
room directly
to the green candle. Using the purple one, light the green candle.
Set down the candle so they sit next to each other. Chant,
"I walk forth without doubt and fear,
And success draws me near."
Lay the necklace in front of it and meditate for awhile on the
success you need.
Let the candles burn themselves down, and wear the necklace whenever
you wish
success you follow you. When you walk through a door to job
interviews, auditions,
or anywhere you need success, imagine how you walked in a straight
line in your
ritual, and consciously make an effort to do the same when passing
through the door.

Fill a jar with crushed pecans, add three drops of rose oil and keep
a luck hand
(root of an orchid) inside with the lid shut tight. After three
nights, place your lucky
hand and seven pecans in a little red drawstring bag and take it with
you to job interviews.
With this little bag, you will feel confident while questions are
being asked and will have a
good chance of getting the job you want. Don't let anyone else see
the red drawstring bag.

First wear blue underwear.
Try to arrange meeting for a new moon.
Start day by showering or bathing with citrus scents.
Do not wear designer fragrance but do dab diluted citrus oil on watch
strap/belt/case or bag.
When you get home give a drink to your favorite tree in a park and
explain to it that you hope
for growth from the seed you just planted at the interview. It is

You will need: green candle banknote paper clip
Light the candle and show both sides of the banknote to the flame.
Fasten the note to the back of a photograph of yourself. Blow out the
Carry your photo, with the note attached, in your handbag or wallet
during your interviews.

Take a new pin and scratch the name of the position you wish to
obtain lengthwise on a yellow
taper candle. On the other side scribe your own name with bergamot
essential oil, then sprinkle
it with gold glitter. Light the candle saying:
"Forces of light and purity,
Lend unto me the capacity to inspire,
To command, to create and to understand.
Ground me in success, cloak me in victory,
By the names of power
By my will so mote it be!"
Sitting in front of the candle, close your eyes and visualize
yourself in your own office,
being addressed by your co-workers under the title of the position
you aspire to.
Allow the candle to burn out.

Charge the following herbs with your intentions, and place them in a
yellow spell bag.
Eyebright clears the mind, aids memory
Rosemary helps you find answers to questions
Rue improves mental processes
Cinnamon for success
Tonka Bean for good luck!
Mark the outside of the yellow spell bag with the rune Algiz (for
and carry the bag with you.

Said while making 9 knots in a green, 13-inch silk cord:
By knot of one, my spell's begun
By knot of two, plenty fruitful work to do
By knot of three, money comes to me
By knot of four, opportunity knocks at my door
By knot of five, my business thrives
By knot of six, this spell is fixed
By knot of seven, success if given
By knot of eight, increase is great
By knot of nine, these things are mine."

Brown candle (stability) Medium-sized rock Black yarn or cord
Business card
On the first night of the Waxing Moon, collect the above ingredients
and go to a place where
you can be undisturbed for at least 15 minutes. Light the brown
candle and place the rock in
front of you. Next, get a business card that includes the name of the
business. If you cannot
obtain a business card, simply write the full name of the business on
a small piece of paper.
Write your full name on the back of the card or paper.
Set the card on top of the rock and, with the yarn or cord, wrap the
rock; making
sure the business card is secure. Hold the rock within your hands and
say this charm:
As the Moon increases, So too will my job secure.
With this, the spell is done. Allow the candles to burn themselves
out. The rock may either be
placed with your magical supplies or actually taken to work and hid
in your desk or another
safe place. Work as best and as hard as you can at your new job.
By the Full Moon, the job will be secured.

Sachet: a small square of green or blue cloth a green or gold ribbon
a spoonful of cloves a spoonful of cinnamon a spoonful of nutmeg
two spoonfuls of chamomile flowers

One part sandalwood oil One part patchouli oil One part clove bud oil
One part frankincense oil One part nutmeg oil
You will also need a green candle, parchment, a pen and dragon's
blood ink.
You may also use a green or gold ink pen.
On the waxing or full moon, fold all the herbs into the cloth and tie
a ribbon around it and place it on your altar.
Combine the oils together and place the bottle on your altar.
On the parchment draw the symbol for Jupiter, a money symbol (like a
dollar sign or the
symbol for the pound or a rune for prosperity). Also make a general
list of all the things
you'd like to gain from your new job. Take the green candle and with
a pen, tack or crystal,
carve the word "Prosperity" into the wax. Anoint the candle with some
of the oil and allow it
to burn out. Wear the remainder of the oil as a perfume, add it to a
bath or put a drop or two
on your application or resume. Sleep with the sachet under your
pillow for at least a week.
You should see results in 1-3 months.

All you need are the three basic magic necessities, need, emotion,
and knowledge.
Concentrate on only what you need. Say the following;
I give, because I'm generous. I take because I ask.
What I well deserve is what I will get.
I deserve (whatever you need) I need (whatever you need)
I will get (whatever you need) so be it, and so it is.

Herbal charms kept in your pocket or purse are good ways to carry
magic with you during
interviews or while job seeking. Sprinkle a little sage, lavender,
dill, basil and parsley into a
green cloth and add a tiger's eye chip or small stone. Tie with a
golden ribbon.
Carry this to magnetize prosperity while you radiate wisdom and
Take applications home with you whenever possible.
After you have filled them out, raise energy and charge then with the
intent of drawing
the right job/position to you. Draw or paint the runes Ansuz, Tir and
Mannaz over your heart
with anon-toxic marker (or eyeliner even) before you get dressed to
go to an interview.
Allow to dry first before dressing (of course) and perhaps put a
light shirt or slip between your
clothes and skin. [Note: I would even say that you could create a
talisman with these runes
instead of drawing them on yourself and carry that close to your
heart or wear in a pouch if you chose.
These runes enable clear communications and will encourage others to
come to your aid.
These runes also, when drawn on the phone, will invite good news to
come over the wire.

Add a sachet of Comfrey and sage- both sacred to Jupiter- to your
Then before you leave for that interview, try this visualization:
Sit in front of a mirror, preferably full-length, in your business
Pretend you are the employer, looking at the perspective employee
sitting across from you.
Visualize this person doing the job that needs filling; see him or
her doing it well,
being an asset to the organization and making the boss proud. Now,
say aloud:
"This is a competent person.
This is a professional person.
This is a perfect candidate for the job."
Then smile at yourself in the mirror, get up, and go get that new job.

You will need a key. This is an important talisman as it symbolizes a
door to be unlocked or locked.
Take a small metal key of traditional key shape and place it on your
spell table or altar.
Write the name of the person to receive the job on a piece of paper
and place it under the key.
Light a white candle and place behind the key and paper. Recite these
"Key, key, you are the power through the Lady and of the Lady here in
And here I say, give this man/woman (insert name here) the employment
he/she desires.
Open the door for him/her, open the door of his/her desire.
Let the door be open so he/she may enter upon that work which
her/his need and will and fulfil and bless his/her days.
This is your message this is your aim.
This is your power which now begins."
Allow the candle to burn completely down.
The key should then be given to the subject and worn on a chain or
yarn or braided thong
underneath the clothing. If the person is honestly seeking
employment, this spell should only
take a week or so to manifest.

You will need a green taper candle, a deck of Tarot cards, a small
piece of malachite,
a money drawing oil, a simple magnet oil, and a tiny bottle or vial.
Perform this spell on the
night of a waxing moon, preferably one that is very few days old.
Into the candle, carve
symbols that you associate with what you need to manifest. Pour the
bottle/vial halfway
with money oil and top it off with magnet oil. Charge it with your
needs. The magnet oil will
increase the ability to draw things to you. Anoint the candle with
the oil and place it into a
candle holder. Charge the piece of malachite and anoint with the oil,
also. Choose a
significator card for the subject of the spell. This will generally
be one of the Court Cards,
but if the person relates better to another card you could use that.
Now pull the Ace of
Pentacles (to manifest new beginnings in the area of income and
earthly things") and a
card that represents, as closely as possible, the job you wish to
manifest. Use your intuition,
judgement, and knowledge to choose this card -- it is the one which
determines the job
which will be acquired. Place these cards on your altar along with
the candle, the
malachite, and the bottle/vial of oil.

You can use the Stone of Luck spell for anything, love, money,
health, wealth, spirit awareness, etc.
The key to this empowerment is concentration and belief.
When you have completed this spell, carry the stone around with you.
Eventually you will start to get what you want.
What you need:
1 Small stone of your choice (any kind) 1 candle (correct color for
what you want)
Appropriate herbs Appropriate incense Salt Water A cloth
Oil (either olive, jasmine, or mint) Some bowls (glass or crystal)
First you need to meditate on what you want, be it money, love,
better health....whatever you want.
After you feel you have meditated long enough, you may start the
Light the candle and incense. (Be sure you have all of the things you
need with you.)
Hold the rock in your power hand. Concentrate on what you want.
Run the rock through the flame 3 times. Then put it into the water.
Cup your hands over the bowl. Then take the rock out of the water and
sprinkle the herbs on it.
After you have done that, put the rock into a dry bowl. Visualize
yourself getting what you want.
Then anoint the rock with the oil and put the rock back into the dry
Sprinkle some salt onto the rock. Concentrate more.
Then wrap the rock in the cloth and leave it for at least 24 hours.
Let the candle and incense burn all the way out. Dispose of the water.
So mote it be!

Here are the things you need:
3 white candles(to add to your spiritual strength)
1 pink ( to add to your general success)
1 yellow ( to instill confidence)
1 green ( for money, luck financial success)
1 purple ( to give ambition, and to promote business progress)
1 black ( to soak up the negative energies)
Oils, either success oil (if you have it) or Frankincense oil, your
choice really.
Incense: frankincense, or myrrh( again your choice)
Please carve into each candle a symbol, weather it be a cross or
pentagram etc,.
Anoint the candles.
Write on a piece of parchment paper what you desire and if you know
the name of the
person that would interview write their name on the paper. If you
don't have the name of
the person interviewing you, write down the company name.
Then write down these words, for Power, Skill and Fame Helimaz,
Feridox, solodar.
Now meditate and say this ritual:
Daily desire in myself grows
to have (name what it is you desire) in my life show.
Soon this reality I will know.
What I am seeking will seek me
I have the power to see it through
So my desire to ( name desire) will come to me
Energy flowing giving added strength to me
Success in my desires growing steadily
(name desire) is realized quickly
(name desire) coming to the fore
(name desire) to have forevermore.
Sit and meditate on what you want, Repeat this ritual for 9 days.
This ritual needs to be done at night. At the end of the 9 days, burn
the paper over the green candle.

Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle.
Put the candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table.
Write what it is you want on a piece of paper with a quill pen dipped
in black ink.
Chant the following as you write.
What I want I write here
Please take my dream and bring it near.
What I want Is What I should get
Let all my dreams Now be met
Now take the paper and fold it in a square of four creases.
Hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn.
Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper.
Send waves of love at the image you conjure of your self.

Mix in a bowl:
--1/2 tsp.. Each. Cinnamon, Nut Meg, Mint, & Basil
Mix enough Olive oil or Bayberry, or Mint oil to make a mixture.
Take three new Green candles anoint each one with the mixture from
bottom to middle
and top to middle. This spell is most powerful from 4 days prior to
the Full Moon all the way up to the
Evening of the Full Moon. Either open a window or place them outside.
Works best with outside element under the Moon.
Empower each candle by holding them and forcing the power from your
hands into each one.
Then place each of the candles down in a triangle position.
Take sea salt (Table Salt will also work) and drop the salt on the
outside of the candles, so that it
looks like a white triangle outside the candles. Place a hand drawn
picture of a Pentacle, done
also in green. (use a crayon, it works best) In the middle. Now you
are ready to begin.
Light each candle in clockwise position. Repeat as you light each
Employment I seek (position) now within reach.
Bring to me prosperity.
By the light of this flame bring unto me.
As I light each wick so mote it be
That I meet my desire and needed destiny.
Let the candles burn and contemplate putting your best foot forward
in your interview.
Know you will be filled with confidence. Carry the Paper Pentacle in
your right shoe.
Note: If you are left handed wear it in your left shoe.

Find an old piece of amber with a fly in it (you can find such things
at antique shops)
and wear it to auditions. Chant over the amber first:
"Fame come to me, change my luck for me."
Imagine yourself on a stage or in a movie or doing whatever it is
that will make you famous,
and put powerful emotion behind it. A break should come along within
a short period if
you've done the spell correctly.

To make an oil that will help attract the attention of others, mix
together twenty drops of synthetic
musk, two drops of jasmine, and one drop of ylang ylang in a small
bottle and leave where the
full moonlight can strike it for three nights. Be sure to bring it
inside before the Sun can find it.
Meanwhile, leave a rose petal, a small piece of crystal quartz, and
1/8teaspoon of powdered
cinnamon in a place where the Sun can see them, making sure to move
them before moonlight
can strike them. On the forth day, mix together the two sets of
ingredients and leave in a dark
place. Wear when you wish to draw love and admiration to yourself.
It will also enable your employers to see what they love about your
work for them.

Needed: Self-drying terracotta, inscribing instrument.
Get a small amount of self-drying terracotta, shape it into a disc
and engrave it with symbols
that invoke the mental picture of 'job', 'career', 'good money
earned'. Make your incense either
using the ingredients listed below or of your own choice, empower
while mixing.
Prepare the circle as you normally would.
Call upon the deity of your choice and chant:
"Ancient God, and Great Goddess,
I ask that this, my spell, you bless;
I seek employment right for me,
A job I'd go to gleefully.
Within a month I'd like to know
The direction my career will go.
In this disk I place my trust,
When it's shattered go forth it must,
With harm to none, and love to thee,
As I Will so shall it be!
As usual, build up power in the circle and direct it, this time as
your desire for employment,
into the disk. Then break the disk into pieces and bury it that the
energy can go forth into
the world and manifest as a vacant job.
Don't forget to thank all the beings who you called into your circle.
Be aware that the magick will work, but you will never find it if you
don't look!
Keep searching those papers and job agencies, and the right job for
you will be there waiting.

This spell is to be done during the waxing moon for three days.
Do not do this spell when there is a moon void of course.
For this spell you will need: 1 yellow candle, 1 green candle, 1
white candle, sea salt,
cauldron or a fire safe bowl, amethyst stone, tiger's eye stone,
bloodstone, cinnamon oil,
cinnamon incense, pen and paper.
You could perform this spell in a circle or just at your altar.
First cleanse and consecrate your altar by lighting frankincense and
myrrh (purifying inscence).
Pass all the tools you will be using through the purifying smoke.
Sprinkle sea salt on your altar and around your sacred space.
Start by holding the candles in your hands and meditating on your
When you are finished, carve your name on each candle.
Under your name carve in the word 'job'.
Dress the candle with the cinnamon oil and place them in their proper
Write on a piece of paper your intent. Be specific.
Write the city and state where you want the job.
You wouldn't want to get a job 5 states away unless you were planning
to move, right?
Fold the paper and place it under the middle candle.
Next charge each stone by meditating on your intent.
Place one stone in front of each candle according to what feels right
to you.
Place the cinnamon incense in front of the candles and stones.
Light each candle followed by the incense.
Sit in the middle of your circle or in front of your altar.
Talk silently or out loud to the Goddess, God and Spirit.
Say whatever rolls off your tongue. Ask them for their assistance in
this spell.
Tell them how important it is that you receive this job. Close your
See yourself working in your desired position.
See the smile on your face as you receive your first paycheck.
Next raise energy but making up a chant. You could say something like:
Gracious Goddess from above
Shower me with your undying love.
Bring me this job I so desire,
By the Powers of Earth, Air, Water and Fire
Repeat this chant 6, 9 or 13 times. Whatever feels right to you.
Each time you say the chant, raise your voice louder and louder.
If you can't scream, whisper loudly.
When you are done, sit in your circle, close your eyes and relax.
When you are finished, thank any deities you called upon and ground
and center,
putting the energy you raised back into the universe.
Take down your circle and snuff out your candles.
Light the candles again two more nights until they burn out
After the candles burn out bury the left over wax in the earth.
Take your piece of paper with your intent written on it and burn it
in your cauldron
or fire safe container. Scatter the ashes to the wind.
This spell works really well when done properly.

This is best begun on the night of the New Moon:
Use an astral candle for yourself - your color
A brown candle for the job itself
A green candle for prosperity
Burn a prosperity incense and anoint the candles with a prosperity
oil -
I would use cinnamon. Anoint from wick to end.
These candles should be in a safe place, they have to burn out
Place the brown candle in the center, the green on the right, and the
astral on the left.
I ask for change, that is my right,
open the way, clear my sight.
Light the green :
Good luck is mine and prosperity, help me Great Ones, come to me.
Light the brown :
Opportunity, work, rewards I see, And as I will So Mote it Be.
Say the above as you light the candles.
Leave these to burn out completely and dispose of the wax afterwards.
Each night, for a week, or until the candle is used up, light a
second brown candle for
9 minutes while meditating and gaining balance in preparation for the
job and the good to come.
During this time period, Actively seek a job. Listen to your
intuition and follow up on all leads.

You'll need an astral candle to represent yourself.
A green candle for prosperity, a black candle to remove obstacles, a
brown candle for the
job itself, & patchouli & cinnamon oils.
Burn a good prosperity incense. Anoint the black candle from the
bottom to the wick
with patchouli oil; place it in a holder. Clean your hands of the
oil; you don't want it on the
other candles. Anoint the brown, green, and astral candles from wick
to the bottom with
cinnamon oil & place in holders. Place the black candle in the center
of your work space,
the brown candle to the left, & the green one on the right. Set the
astral candle above the
black candle. Put the candles on a safe surface since they will be
left to burn out completely.
Light the astral candle & say:
"I ask for change; that is my right. Open the way, clear my sight."
Light the black candle & say:
"Bad luck flees. Obstacles fall. Ill-wishers vanish! Heed my call!"
Light the green candle & say:
"Good luck is mine & prosperity. Help me, Great Ones. Come to me."
Light the brown candle & say:
"Opportunity, work, rewards I see. And as I will, so must it be."
Leave the candles to burn out & dispose of the wax afterward.
Each night for a week, or until the candle is used up, burn a 2nd
brown candle for 9 minutes
while meditating & gaining balance in preparation for the good & the
job to come.
During this time period, actively seek a job. Listen to all your
hunches & follow up on any leads.

Green candle to represent job/good luck
Good Luck/Job Oil: allspice, cinnamon, sage, dill, mix with base oil
Banishing/Exorcism Oil: cloves, garlic, basil mixed with base oil
Black or dark candle to represent obstacles
Small jar to be filled with nutmeg, Tiger's eye stone, thyme, rune or
some other symbol of good
fortune and a piece on paper on which you have written the
description of your perfect job.
Casting the Circle
The East, the Wind
Positive forces, I call you in
The South, the Fire
Aid this night in my desire
The West, the Water
I conjure my need into matter
The North, the Grove
Bring your gifts, I make it so
The Center, the Force
I call you to open your doors
I conjure thee, O circle of Power
That you might be for me a boundary between the world of men and the
realm of the mighty spirits.
A place of joy, love and trust to contain the power I will raise
I have called upon the protectors of the East, South, West and North
to aid me in the construction of this circle
In the name of the Horned Lord and Radiant Lady
Thus do I conjure thee, great circle of power! This circle is sealed.
Invocation to the Goddess
Great Goddess
I ask you to join me tonight
at the waxing of the moon's powers
to assist me in my rite
Tonight, I ask for guidance, for luck,
for success in finding a new and better job
Guide me, protect me, help me
I, your priest/ess, ask this of you
So mote it be!
Great God
I ask you to join me tonight
at the waxing of the moon's powers
to assist me in my rite
Tonight, I ask for guidance, for luck,
for success in finding a new and better job
Guide me, protect me, help me
I, your priest/ess, ask this of you
So mote it be!
The Spell to gain a Job......
Anoint the black candle with banishing/exorcism oil and light the
candle while
visualizing all of your obstacles falling away
"Bad luck flees Obstacles fall
My path is clear Heed my call!"
Anoint the green candle with employment/luck oil
"Good luck is mine and prosperity
Help me Great Ones Come to me
Opportunity and rewards I see
As I will, so mote it be!"
Meditate on the job you want as you gaze into the candle's flame.
Still in the circle, fill your good luck jar with the herbs, stone,
note and piece of paper
with the fortune rune inscribed on it. Seal the jar with these words:
"Earth-born stone of brilliant hue
Your energy makes my dreams come true
Hearken to my deep desire
amidst the candle's radiant fire
Herbs of luck, prosperity
heed my call and bring to me
a better job, new opportunity
As I will, so mote it be!"
Shake the jar, seal it with a kiss and place it back on the altar.
Ground and center. Thank the God and Goddess. Close the circle
Each morning after, hold the jar while saying (or thinking),
"God and Goddess Hear as I pray
Let good fortune come my way
send me luck, prosperity in my job search
so mote it be!"
Shake the jar a few times, seal it with a kiss and replace it on the

Take a white candle and some anointing oil. Depending on the desired
result, you should have
chosen an oil which corresponds to this end. At the time of the full
moon, cast a circle or just
shut yourself away from all distractions and with the moon shining on
your working area
(If possible. If this is not possible, just visualize the moon.)
Place the white candle (preferably a taper) on the altar with the
oil. Cast the circle if you wish.
Call the Goddess if it feels right. Anoint the candle.
Should you wish, you can use an Athame to engrave the candle with the
spell itself.
While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these words out loud
or silently:
Tonight the moon, Tomorrow the sun.
Let this power build till my will be done.
Candle burn down to send my will.
This spell be cast, for good, not ill
Once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place so it can
burn down
completely, preferably in sight of the moon.

--1 green candle 1 orange candle 1 yellow or gold candle
--some ground or whole cloves 1 small tigers eye stone
On your altar set up the three candles in a circle, with the green
candle nearest you.
Spend a moment centering and concentrating on your goal.
When you are ready, start lighting the candles, starting with the
green one and moving
clockwise around the circle. As you light the green candle focus on
its qualities of prosperity
and abundance, qualities you want drawn to you through the job you
hope to secure.
Make a statement to affirm this such as:
"Fire of green, abundance bright, drawing prosperity by your light."
As you light the orange candle focus on its qualities of attraction,
particularly between
forces that are already in sympathy with one another. Make a
statement such as:
"Simpatico permeates the meeting place, making me seem an interesting
As you light the yellow or gold candle think on its qualities of
projecting energy and
competence, allowing you to show your best side. Make a statement
such as:
"From deep within my positives come through, debits hole back while
credits shine through."
Place the tigers eye in the center of the candles and spend several
minutes sensing the
energy of the candles filling the stone, programming it to your will.
Take the cloves (an herb
with energies corresponding to wealth and employment) and make a
clockwise circle
around the candles. Visualize this as a circle containing all the
energies on your altar,
helping to filter them into the tigers eye. Spend some more time
focusing on you goal.
You can help to focus these energies with a chant such as:
"Stone of light, earth and fire, send the image that says "please
Extinguish the candles when you are ready or leave them sit so you
can repeat the spell
on another night to give it added strength. When you're done carry
the tigers eye on the
projective side (right side) of your body during interviews.

Need: a mixture of lemon juice and lavender
Wash your hair in this mixture and let it air dry before an important

Timing: Moon in Virgo. Spring and summer when foliage is lush and
Sunday afternoons (when want ads come out for the following week).
The month of April.
Cut out the want ads that appeal to you most.
Clip four, six, or thirteen of them, making notes to use later for
your calls.
Next, tie these together with a long string.
To this bundle attach a silver coin or piece of tin, then place it
across the table from you.
Burn a green candle rubbed with ginger (energy and prosperity) and
visualize getting a call
from a prospective employer.
As this vision becomes clear in your mind, draw the string and bundle
towards you, saying:
"My goal is sure, my need is strong, help me find where I belong.
To meet my needs, employment I seek, bring the success by the end of
the week."
When the paper reaches your hand, keep the tin to carry, then set the
paper aflame.
This releases the energy before inquiries begin.
Success with this spell includes getting solid leads, landing
interviews and receiving call backs.
If sales prospects have been slow, an old European spell says that
carrying kelp with you or
washing floors with it draws prosperity.
This is especially good for owners to encourage increased traffic.
To these efforts add a verbal component such as
"Fortune turn you head this way, bring abundant ________ today".
Fill in the bland with a suitable term such as "clients," "leads,"
or "customers".
This spell also helps with job advancement. in this case, keep the
kelp or something
green as a component but change the incantation to match the
For example:
"God/dess let my talents shine,
where hard work and faith combine,
this promotion will be mine."

A lodestone, or a small but powerful magnet from a hardware store.
The Spell
Holding the stone or magnet, imagine vividly the kind of job you want
and the feelings you
will have while working there. Do no imagine names, the appearance of
the workplace, or
other details which might limit your choices. Speak aloud the
qualifications you have for
holding such a job, and ask aloud that you find it within a certain
number of days.
Raise power and charge the stone by dancing or breathing.
The following day, have the stone or magnet with you as you make six
job contacts,
and make precisely six contacts a day until you have the job you

1 green candle
1 orange candle
1 yellow or gold candle
some ground or whole cloves
1 small tigers eye stone
On your altar set up the three candles in a circle, with the green
candle nearest you.
Spend a moment centering and concentrating on your goal.
When you are ready, start lighting the candles, starting with the
green one and moving
clockwise around the circle. As you light the green candle focus on
its qualities of prosperity
and abundance, qualities you want drawn to you through the job you
hope to secure.
Make a statement to affirm this such as:
"Fire of green, abundance bright, drawing prosperity by your light."
As you light the orange candle focus on its qualities of attraction,
particularly between forces
that are already in sympathy with one another.
Make a statement such as:
"Simpatico permeates the meeting place, making me seem an interesting
As you light the yellow or gold candle think on its qualities of
projecting energy and competence,
allowing you to show your best side.
Make a statement such as:
"from deep within my positives come through, debits hole back while
credits shine through."
Place the tigers eye in the center of the candles and spend several
minutes sensing the
energy of the candles filling the stone, programming it to your will.
Take the cloves (an herb with energies corresponding to wealth and
employment) and
make a clockwise circle around the candles.
Visualize this as a circle containing all the energies on your altar,
helping to filter them into
the tigers eye. Spend some more time focusing on you goal.
You can help to focus these energies with a chant such as:
"Stone of light, earth and fire, send the image that says "please
Extinguish the candles when you are ready or leave them sit so you
can repeat the spell
on another night to give it added strength. When you're done carry
the tigers eye on the
projective side (right side) of your body during interviews.

a Piece of paper and pen a drawing pin or tack
spring water in a sealable container waning moon
Write persons name on the paper and take ingredients to work with you.
Place the paper name side down on a table, and get the person to cast
a shadow
over the paper (strike up a conversation maybe.) "Pin" the shadow to
the paper.
Place the paper and pin into the container of spring water and seal
Place the container against your forehead.
Pass your right hand over the top of it three times, mentally
expelling all bad feelings.
Take it home and put it in your freezer where it will not be

Purpose: To bring on inspiration. For creativity.
Ingredients: Mason jar Small crystal Dried orange peels (two-thirds)
Dried mint (one-third)
2 drops orange essential oil 1 drop mint essential oil Square piece
of black cotton fabric
Rubber band Orange fabric paint or orange acrylic Orange ribbon
Note: The color orange is the color of creative energies.
The shading (how dark or light the orange is) that you use will
denote the level of creative
energies you wish to channel. A dark orange will take you deep into
the creative energies
while a light orange is less intense.
Moon cycle: No moon cycle is selected for this spell because all
phases of the moon hold
different levels of creative energies, including the dark moon. If
you follow moon phases,
choose the cycle that fits your purpose best.
Gather ingredients. With a clean and dry jar before you, place the
mint first and then the
orange peels inside, filling it up about two-thirds of the way. Add
two drops of orange
essential oil and one drop mint essential oil. More if you are using
a large mason jar.
Stir ingredients together. Take the small crystal in your hand and
say something such as:
"Creativity Come to me
In whispers and dreams
And visions that gleam."
Place the crystal inside the jar with the potpourri.
For the lid, cover the opening of the jar with black fabric so that
the side of the fabric
hangs down over the edges about 2 inches.
With a pencil, mark the center top of the fabric.
Take the fabric off the jar, lie it flat on a hard surface.
Using orange paint, acrylic or fabric paint, paint on a spiral.
While the paint is drying, cover the jar temporarily with a lid so
that it doesn't get spilled.
Spiral: The spiral is a symbol of the dance of life. It shows the
continuous cycle of ourselves
going inward (within ourselves/our psyche) and then going outward
(expressing ourselves).
Black: The black fabric in this spell is used as an absorption color.
Black absorbs all colors, all energies.
By placing the orange spiral on this we are signifying just what
those energies are that the
black is absorbing, all creative energies.
Once the paint is dry, place the fabric on the jar once again.
The spiral should now be on the centered top of the jar's mouth.
Holding the fabric in place, wrap the rubber band around the sides to
hold it in place.
Next, tie the orange ribbon overtop of the rubber band.
Keep this inspiration jar in your work area, where you do your
writing, painting, drawing,
or keep it by your bed to bring on inspiring dreams.

You can use cotton cloth, or whatever you feel you want to use.
Not everybody has an old silk-shirt laying around that they don't
wear anymore.
Substitute as necessary:
Green piece of cloth about 3 in. X 3 in. in perimeter (square-shaped,
you can even take
white cotton and dye it for extra interaction with it, all-along
thinking about why you are
dyeing it, know what you will be using it for! Infuse it with your
Substitute as necessary:
one blossom off a dog-wood tree
a three-leaf green clover (Yes, not only the four-leafed ones have
power, they are merely a
hybrid of the three-leaf, so it is possible to find a four-leaf, but
for this I used a three-leaf.
Three is also a number of the Triple Goddess.)
A shoot off a pine tree, the bristly parts.
Leave an offering of some sort, a pretty stone, a drink of water if
it's dry outside, organic
biodegradable garbage (like a banana peel, remember: they find the
food in that, like a
garden and a compost heap), or a lock of your hair if you have
nothing else.
Dig a small hole, leave the offering, and bury it. Also, verbally
thank the tree, even if it's a whisper.
Next, enchant each herb/plant.
Tell it what you want it to help you with. Infuse your energies into
the herbs (use your power-hand).
This should take a few good minutes, at least 20-30, or whenever you
feel the herbs know what
you want them to do.
Sew up the green cloth enough that you have a small pouch and put
each herb inside.
Sew it up the rest of the way. If you want, go over it again sewing
in the other direction,
or double the thread. Imagine what you want coming to you as you
do this, don't think it will come KNOW it will come to you. It's also
a form of binding, since
it involves string. Bind the perfect job to you and it will come to
you. You'll probably have
to fold the dog-wood blossom, just take each petal and fold it
inwards to the center.
As long as you have those three important things (knowledge, need,
and emotion) you can
get whatever you want out of your magick.

This is a form of magic which can be used for just about anything-
thus making it a more
advanced type of magic which should only be used by those who are
comfortable with the
ethics and are prepared to deal with the consequences in they misuse
this technique.
Sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed and your arms
extended outward.
Your receptive hand (whichever hand you do not write with, usually
the left) should be
wide open, palm facing upward.
Your projective hand (the hand you do write with, usually the right)
should be in a fist.
Close your eyes and imagine your goal.
Now visualize a bright red fire surrounding your receptive (open)
hand, feel the "warmth" of the energy.
Imagine it flows up your arm and through your body into your
projective hand (the closed hand).
Continue letting energy flow from the red energy "flame".
Once the impulse hits you, and you feel the time is right, thrust
both arms to the right (or left if you
are left handed) opening up your projective hand as you do so.
This motion should be similar to "throwing" the energy towards your
As you do this, say in a commanding voice what will happen as a
result of the energy release.
(For example, if you used it to get a raise in payment at work, you
could say "I will get a raise!")
Results, if successfully performed, will be almost immediate. With
practice, this can work very well.

Pen, pencil, or paintbrush depending on the art form. Elmer's glue
Silver glitter Almond, sage, or vanilla essential oil A white candle
This is a simple spell to bring you divine inspiration to write and
create visual art.
Anoint the candle with the essential oil you have chosen and using an
athame or a small,
sharp tool, inscribe the name "Brighid" (goddess of poetic
inspiration), or if you prefer not to
invoke a deity, simply inscribe your art form which you need inspired
in. Light your candle and begin.
Squeeze some glue onto a piece of scrap paper and dip the end (not
the useable part) of
your craft tool (pencil, paintbrush, or whatever) into it, covering
about an inch's worth.
Then roll the end in the glitter so that it is completely covered.
As you do, focus on the inspiration you seek.
Say your own blessing over the tool, then situate it so that it can
dry without the glittered end getting smashed.
The next day, make a few attempts at your art with your newly
enchanted tool in hand.
Let the inspiration come to you and flow from your mind to your

Goddess Candle God Candle Incense Green Candle Good Luck Oil
Black Candle Banishing Oil Petitioner Candle
Build your altar. Place the Petitioner candle beneath the Goddess
candle and place the green and black candles beneath the God candle.
Light the incense. Anoint the black candle with banishing oil and say,
" empower this candle to absorb all negative forces acting upon me.
As this candle burns, let it's powers engulf all obstacles in my way,
leaving my path clear for success."
Light the black candle. Anoint green candle with good luck oil and
"I empower this candle to bring me good luck, prosperity and success
in acquiring a new and better job. As this candle burns, so might it
be a beacon for good fortune and prosperity." Light the green candle.
You need not anoint the petitioner candle, but focus strongly on this
(if it is yourself, see yourself in your new job) as you light it,
"As this candle represents {name}, let it be a beacon for positive
forces and energies.
As this candle burns bright, so does the light of {names}'s heart
burn bright with ambition
and desire for a new, better job."
Concentrate firmly, directing your power to the petitioner candle,
which is receiving the
energy from the green candle that is burning. After ten minutes or so
of concentration,
extinguish the candles in the reverse order in which you lit them.
Each day, repeat the spell,
moving the green candle two inches closer to the petitioner.
Your spell is complete when the two candles touch.

To improve your own work productivity, during the waxing Moon place
one hematite in
a small basket or tray and enchant it by saying:
"Ground and heal, magnetic one; bring me clarity on this day."
Add a quartz crystal to the contained and say:
"Bring boundless energy to me; may it last through this day."
Add a calcite and say:
"Stone of joy and yellow light, help me sort through my work today."
Place the container of stones on your desk and say:
"Help me work through this day; bring me inspiration.
And when the day is done, may the labor be finished."

Time: 8pm to 9pm waxing moon
Waxing -growing larger - is a time to bring things TO you
Waning -growing smaller -is a time to send things away)
Incense: sandalwood
anoint candles in clove oil
green candle and a yellow candle, green cloth piece of paper pen
This spell is for people who already have a plan of action just no
opened doors to make things happen.
This spell will give you a short lived window of opportunity how you
use it - is up to you.
Lay out a green cloth and when your incense is smoldering and the
candles lit -
close your eyes and invision yourself attaining your goal - take the
pen and hold it in your hand -
over the piece of paper - and keep your eyes closed.
You may feel warmness and tingling in your arm - do not be alarmed.
Now, one of two things will occur - keep your eyes closed and
concentrate -
your arm may begin to wander and move making writings on the paper -
or you will be given a very clear plan of action to write down.
Either through automatic writing or through direct contact - you will
be shown the way to success.
This spell will not work if you are not serious about it.
(example - "how can I win the lottery" is not a plan of action)
Close circle and give thanks.

Make a fine powder out of some basil leaves and sprinkle them around
the main
entrance to the home or place of business. It is believed that only
good and friendly
people will enter, since it supposedly repels those who intend harm
toward the workers
of a business or the occupants of a home.

Is your office or building stressful? Try this To make your workplace
a place of harmony
and peace sprinkle this magical powder around when no one is looking.
Create this powder on a Thursday Evening for the strongest possible
3 drops of rose oil 5 drops of sandalwood oil 7 drops of lavender oil
a handful of talcum powder a teaspoon dried powdered chamomile
flowers (if available)
Mix everything but the talc together in a ceramic bowl with a fork
until well blended.
Add the talcum powder and mix well. Visualize a warm blue light
building and radiating
from the powder as you mix. Do this until you are satisfied and
gently pour the powder
into a little paper envelope or sachet. Take it work the next morning.