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Herbal Vocabulary
From the book *Embracing the Moon* by Yasmine Galenorn

Here are a few herbal terms.

Anaphrodisiac-A substance that cools the sex drive.

Aphrodisiac-A substance that acts as a sexual stimulant.


Botanomancy-Divination through the use of herbs.

Chaplet-Wreath or crown of flowers and herbs worn on the head to promote

Charm Bag-Sachet, medicine bag.

Hallucinogen-Mind altering substance.

Herb-Plant used in magickal, culinary or medicinal arts.

Herbal-Pertaining to herbs, written collection of information about herbs.

Herbal Infusion-An admixture created by steeping or soaking herbs in hot, but
                               not boiling, water; herbal tea.

Macerate-To make soft by soaking in a liquid.

Narcotic-A drug or herb that dulls the senses, induces sleep or stupor.

Sachet-A small packet filled with herbs and or other objects.

Simple-An in fusion made from a single herb.

Steep-to soak herbs in hot liquid.

Tincture-Herbal in fusion made with alcohol instead of water (be aware that
                 some herbs, roots especially, need alcohol to extract their

Wortcunning-Herbal knowledge'the use of herbs.