Healing With Color
(from the book Complete Book of Witchcraft by Ray Buckland)


                         Healing with color is an excellent way to help someone heal
                          quicker. You only need colored light to make this happen. You
                          can use a colored light bulb, colored water in a clear glass jar,
                          colored cellophane, any light shining through it is fine, it does
                          not need to be sunlight, but if you have a window nearby then
                          you should certainly take advantage of it! Have the person you
                          wish to help heal sit in front of the window, or light. Make sure
                          the colored light touches the appropriate part of the body that
                          is in need of healing. Concentrate the light on this area for at
                          least 30 minutes a day.

                           The following is a list of colors and what areas they are used
                            in healing.

                          Red-Excellent for using on people with blood diseases, or those
                                  that have liver infections.

                          Orange-Good for the respiratory system, for those who suffer
                                          from asthma and bronchitis, also as a tonic or laxative.

                          Yellow-Excellent for the bowels and intestines, mild sedative
                                         helps to alleviate fears of all kinds and gives a mental
                                         uplift. Also good for indigestion and heartburn, also
                                         for menstrual problems.

                         Green-Green is a great healer, when in doubt about any color,
                                      use green!  Good for heart problems, neuralgic headaches
                                      ulcers, head colds.

                         Blue-An antiseptic and cooling agent. Good for inflammation
                                   such as arthritis, also good for cuts and burns.

                         Indigo-A slight narcotic, will help those afraid of the dark, good
                                      for emotional disorders, deafness, also good for the

                         Violet-Good for mental disorders and the nervous system, for
                                       baldness and female problems.