Guardians of the Watchtowers


Hail Guardian of the Watchtower East
Powers of Air and Intuition
I greet you now in perfect love and perfect trust
As you carry the seeds of the plants across the land
As you bring the moisture of the storms to the shore
Join me, in all your gentle and powerful ways
I bless the elements of Air
And call upon you to gather here with me.


Hail Guardian of the Watchtower of the West
Powers of Water and Intervention
I greet you now in perfect love and perfect trust
Water, soft and yielding, formless and flowing
You are the blood coursing through my veins
I bless the elements of Water
And call upon you to gather here with me.


Hail Guardian of the Watchtower of the South
Powers of Fire and Feeling
I greet you now in perfect love and perfect trust
Flaming One
Apollo, Bright Warrior
Wild courage
Lion strength
I bless the elements of fire
And call upon you to gather here with me.


Hail Guardian of the Watchtower of the North
Powers of Mother and Earth
I greet you now in perfect love and pergect trust
Changeless power of unending change
In steadfastness and strength
I bless the element of Earth
And call upon you to gather here with me

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