Facts and Fiction about Wicca

                    Well I decided to write this page after reading questions that others have asked
                     about Wicca.

                    1. No we are not satanist. Being a Christian Wiccan, I personally believe that there
                         is not a devil. I believe that there is evil in the world, good and bad and that
                         each of us has a choice to make.

                    2.Witchcraft and Wicca is NOT a cult! It is an earth based religion, believing in the
                        sanctity of life.

                    3.We do NOT sacrifice any animals or people for any reason!

                    4.We do NOT cast harmful spells on anyone, the Wiccan Rede says to Harm None!

                    5. Wicca is a legal religion !

                    6. The pentacle is not a satantic symbol. If the top point is pointed upwards it is a
                         wiccan and pagan symbol, but if the point if pointing down, then it could be a
                         satanic symbol.

                    7. You do not become a witch over night, it takes a lot of work and study to even
                         begin to understand this religion, as it does with almost any other.

                    8. As far as spells and magick goes, it really isnt all that different from being a
                         christian. Christians pray to God for wishes and hopes, spells are merely doing
                         the same thing.

                    9. There is a difference between magic and magick. Magic means that you are able
                         to pull a rabbit out of a hat!!! Sorry I am not capable of doing that one! Nor am
                         I or any other Wiccan able to do the kind of magic that is seen in both movies
                         and television shows such as The Craft.

                  10. No we are NOT sexual diviants, we are as normal as anyone else is, christian or

                   11.  We do NOT try to indoctrinate young children into Wicca.

                   12.  We do NOT desecrate the Bible!

                        Lastly if you are curious about Wiccan and Pagan beliefs, try READING up on
                        this. On my links page are some excellent books that will explain anything you
                        need to know, we are not here to harm anyone, we are here to help, not just
                        ourselves but anyone that may be in need, and that includes watching after and
                        taking care of the earth we live on!  We are no threat to anyone, only people
                        who are narrow minded could possibly see us this way. :)


© Copyright By Jesse Anderson
All Rights Reserved