I know that a lot of people use the Book of Shadows on-line for their spells, but
                                            since I already have a spell index page up I thought I would use the bos, for
                                           somethig a bit different. On this page I will give you a little bit of information
                                           on what else you could keep in your book other than spells.

                       1.Spells-Keep your spells together in your BOS for quick reference, also you must
                                             consecrate your book before using it :) check out the consecration ritual on my
                                             first page.

                                        2.Dreams-For those of you who can remember their dreams (wish I could
                                            remember more of mine) this is a good place to write them all down.

                                        3.Herbs-Keep a refernce of hers in your book, you do not need to list all of them
                                            if you dont want to, just list those that you would use most often.

                                        4.Stones-Again keep a refernce of stones, the ones you use most or all of them,
                                            again, your choice.

    1                               5.Poetry-This is a great way to keep your poetry and personal writings together.

                                      6.Write down a quick reference on the use of Wiccan tools. When you need to use
                                           something unfamiliar you will be able to refer to your book.

                                      7.Recipes-This is a great place to write down you recipes for different holidays, or
                                           just the special cakes ect. things you might like to have after or during rituals.

                                    8.Write a page on the Wiccan Rede (good way to remind yourself not to do
                                           anything inappropriate if you are angry with someone!)

                                      9.A magickal alphabet is always good to have a quick reference to.

                                    10.Candle colors and correspondences.

                                     11.If you work with Pendulum magick write down your results.

                                      12.Oils-Keep a refernce of those you use most often, or more if you wish.

                                      13.Incense-Again, quick refernce your choice as to how much you want to put in.

                                     14.Write down in you BOS the results of the spells or rituals you do.This way if
                                             they didnt work out quite like you expected you can read over the spell and
                                             make changes for the next time around.

                     15.Write down any researched concerning the supernatural. I keep a diary of the
                                           cememtery pictures I took explaining each picture.

                                    16.Write down all the mixtures and potions that you make. That way when you
\                                         want to do them again all the information will be quickly available.

                                   Your BOS is almost like an extension of yourself. Important parts of your life
                                   will be stored in this book so take good care of it.

                                    I know that on television you see these wonderful hard covered books you can
                                    use for your BOS, I think all of us would like that, but if your writing isnt that
                                    terrific, or if you need lines to write on (like me) a regular notebook will work
                                   just fine. For that matter if you have a computer you can store everything on
                                    disc. The choice for your BOS is totally up to you, choose what suits you best!



© Copyright By Jesse Anderson
All Rights Reserved